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lifestyle changes

How is it already September? Fall tends to be everyone's favorite season. The stream of everyone's favorite holidays are here. Football...

will you accept this rose?

Where are all of my #BachelorNation people at!? If you do not or have never watched this series please still continue to read! If you...

23 lessons

It has been a HOT minute since my last post and I am very sorry! Life gets busy and I have not had time to sit down and write to motivate...

let it go

Okay, for real, if you do not know the song, "Let It Go", I will be shocked. If you have never sang the song at the top of your lungs, I...

+ mindset

Last week I talked about the importance of a positive relationship. This week I wanted to motivate you and discuss the impact of a...

build me up, buttercup

Love. A four letter word. A four letter word that is loaded. A four letter word that can be used to truly express how much you care for...


Ahhhhh Menstruation. Periods. Aunt Flo. Monthly Gift. Mother Nature's blessing to us. I saw this photo on Facebook today and it spoke...

"You're So Tiny"

"You're So Tiny" the quote I heard all through high school and still to this day. Many may think, "Girl, it is a compliment! Why be...

45 Minutes

Are YOU taking time to sit back and focus on yourself? If the answer is no, it is okay, but I do have a challenge for you. 45 Minutes....

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